auries 2012 visit 129

April 15                                                                                    The Power of God’s Word

The words of the godly are a life giving fountain; the words of the wicked conceal violent intentions.       –Proverbs 10:11 (NLT)     


A poem by ILMA

Those who are godly and righteous

They are prudent and courteous

Their words are life giving fountain

They help you overcome your own mountains.

The words of the wicked conceal violent intentions

They deceive you and bring you confusion

Feed on God’s word and stay away from evil

Put on God’s armor to stand firm against the devil.

I have had many encounters with wicked and ungodly people. I became an easy prey to target because I didn’t know God’s truth. I read the bible in my late twenties but didn’t really study it until a few years ago.  When I started seeking God’s word and following them, convictions and revelations finally dawned on me. Everything I needed to know about God, myself, family, friends and all the relationships in my life were explicitly explained in the bible. Suddenly, everything became lucid to me. I can distinguish clearly between evil and good. The enemy always wants us to be in a state of confusion so that we will stay in sin. The only way we can discern evil intentions is when we soak in God’s words. It reveals to us lies from the truth.

2 thoughts on “LIFE GIVING FOUNTAIN Poem Devotional

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