LIKE A CHILD Poem Devotional

halloween 2011 and sunrises 129

July 13________________________________________
O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, thank you for hiding these things from those who think themselves wise and clever, and for revealing them to the childlike. Yes, Father, it please you to do it this way. – Luke 10:21(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Do you see the world in a child’s perspective?
These little ones are pure and they believe
They are dependent and non-judgmental
They are bold, open but not critical.
You can only know God if you are like a child
Look at life from the eyes of a child and you will find
Their innocence makes them unaffected by the world
They are unafraid of being loving and bold.
Have you ever observed children? Give them something and they will think of many different ways to use that thing. If you give a child a plank of wood, he or she might lean it on something and use it as a slide or put it on the ground and pretend that it is a boat and they start rowing, imagining that they are on it. Childlikeness is a trait that God wants us all to have even as adults. Children do not worry or are afraid. Their fearlessness and purity are so apparent that they become very vulnerable to adults who sometimes have their agendas. The bible says that we cannot enter God’s kingdom unless we are like a child.
Lord, keep me childlike always.
Give some instances when you are childlike?
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