LIKE A SHARP ARROW Poem Devotional four colors

November 28                                                                          The Power of God’s Word
He made my words of judgment as sharp as a sword. He has hidden me in the shadow of his hand. I am like a sharp arrow in his quiver. – Isaiah 49:2 (NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
In the midst of difficulties and suffering
Run to Scriptures and you will stop falling
He will bring you wisdom through his word
Like a sharp arrow in his quiver, you’ll overcome the world.
He will hide you in the shadow of his mighty hands
Never doubt his provision for he has the power to command
The word of God pierces the spirit and the heart
Believe in the word so you’ll have victory and his Spirit will never depart.
Is there anything that is pressing on to you right now? Be still and know that God is always with you. He knows your name and every detail of your circumstance and the condition of your heart. He only wants you to call on his name and run to his throne. He provides for all your needs and gives you blessings.
The bible emphasizes the importance of using the word of God. It is like a sharp arrow in his quiver. In other words, if we use the word as a sword to use against attacks, it will bring us victory.
Lord, help me protect myself with your word.
How is God’s word sharp as an arrow?
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