November 20
A poem by ILMA
Let’s all be fast to listen, slow to declare and to get angry
Human anger does not bring about the righteousness God wants
Remove all wickedness and dirt in your lives, take in meekly God’s word
He has planted it in your hearts, for it will definitely save your souls.
We are not just to listen to God’s word, but must put into action what it says
When we don’t do the word, we are deceived and are only fooling ourselves
It’s like looking at our faces in the mirror, walking away and forgetting our looks
If we meditate on the word and remember to do it, we will be blessed
When we claim we are religious but don’t bridle our tongue, we are fools
When we are careless with our words, our religion is worthless
Pure and authentic religion in God’s view is very different
It is caring for orphans, widows and staying uncorrupted by the world.
But don’t just listen to God’s word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves. For if you listen to the word and don’t obey, it is like glancing at your face in a mirror. – James 1:22-23
Read: James 1:19-27
It is a misnomer among believers to think that hearing the word of God and believing him is enough. Putting into action what Scripture says is the true sign of an authentic believer. Many different Christians who do not follow the word poses confusion and judgment from unbelievers and causes other believers to fall away or unbelievers to be repulsed. According to God, pure religion is living holy and blameless lives and helping the vulnerable and abandoned.
• How can we remove true faith from religion?
• Why do you think God’s view of religion is very different from the world’s?
• What can hinder us from doing the word of God?
• Why is faith not good enough without action?