LIVE A FREE LIFE Poem Devotional


September 10
Don’t call everything a conspiracy like they do and don’t live in dread of what frightens them. -Isaiah 8:12(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
When you believed in Jesus Christ
You are a new person, he changed your life
Don’t consider everything a conspiracy
Don’t live in terror of the attacks of the enemy.
If you live in dread of what terrifies others
You are not living the free life God intended
The Lord died so you can walk and enjoy freedom
He loves you so much and wants you in his kingdom.
When Jesus died for all of us, he did it because he loved us so much and wants us to be free from the slavery of sin. Yet, there are still some Christians who do not enjoy that freedom. They fail to receive the grace and mercy given to us on the cross with Jesus’ blood. Many people have been believing the lies of the enemy who constantly threat us with many different kinds of fear. It can be fear of losing a loved one, fear of people going against you, fear of illnesses, fear of losing control, fear of losing power and money, and many more.
The bible tells us not to think that everything is out to get you like there is a conspiracy to attack you. We have to accept the free life God gave us through Jesus.
Thank you Lord for dying for me to give me a free life.
How do you respond to the freedom Christ gave you on the cross?
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