barrie visit 2011 032

May 21 The Power of God’s Word
For the kingdom of God is not just a lot of talk; it is living by God’s power.
–1 Corinthians 4:20 (NLT)
Do you live in the standards set by this world?
Do you depend on God’s power shown in his word?
For the kingdom of God is not just a lot of talk
It is about believing and following Jesus’ walk.
Can you discern the wisdom that God provides?
Do you listen to all the things he reveals and confides?
Living by God’s power is accepting the spirit within
It is by walking in love that we can be free and redeemed.
The world we live in puts much emphasis on “power.” Everyone wants a bite of this power. The clamor for recognition, success, wealth, possessions have all led to a life of corruption and conflict. Each one wants to prove who is better at something. In God’s economy, power is only granted to those who seek the Lord.
It is the power to let go and surrender every need, craving and desire our hearts yearn for.
The bible tells us to live in God’s power. How can we live by his power? We can look at how Jesus lived amongst us. He was the son of God, yet he did not exercise any of his powers, he surrendered to his father’s will.
Lord, show me how to humbly surrender.
Why is humility essential in salvation?