March 13
7 As to all my affairs, Tychicus, our beloved brother and faithful servant and fellow bond-servant in the Lord, will bring you information. 8 For I have sent him to you for this very purpose, that you may know about our circumstances and that he may encourage your hearts; 9 and with him is Onesimus, our faithful and beloved brother, who is one of your own. They will inform you about the whole situation here. – Colossians 4:7-9
According to David Guzik’s commentary on this letter to the Colossians, Tychicus, a beloved brother of Paul, didn’t know who Tychicus was. He would carry this letter to them (v.9 indicates that he will inform them about the situation where Paul is. Guzik says that Epaphras, who brought the news from Colossae to Paul in Rome (Colossians 1:7) will not be able to return to them, so Paul sent Tychicus instead.
Tychicus was mentioned in Acts 20:4 as one of the men who came with Paul from the Roman province of Asia to Jerusalem, to carry the offering of those believers to the needy Christians of Jerusalem and Judea. According to Bruce, “The reference to Tychicus is almost word for word identical with Ephesians 6:21-22. He was evidently the bearer of the letter to the Ephesians as well as this one.”
In verse 8, we hear Paul’s great commendation about Tychicus. Paul sounded like he trusts him very well and that his presence will encourage the Colossian believers. It is amazing that while he is in prison, Paul was still thinking about the believer’s faith. He didn’t want them to be discouraged just because he was in prison. says this: We may not know much about Tychicus, but what we do know is impressive and praiseworthy. Tychicus was a trusted messenger, faithful preacher, and loyal friend. Paul placed great confidence in him, sending him to accomplish important works. Tychicus obviously had the ability to minister in a variety of situations, bringing encouragement to those he served.
Onesimus was a slave owned by a believer in Colossae, but he ran away and came into contact with Paul in Rome. There, Onesimus became a Christian and a dedicated helper to Paul. His story is continued in Paul’s letter to Philemon.
I am amazed at how Paul manifested so much love and concern for the believers in Colossae. He had to sent these two messengers to ensure that they are not discouraged.
• How did Paul exhibit selflessness and love for the Colossian believers?