MY FORTRESS Poem Devotional

February 27
God is my strong fortress, and he makes my way perfect. – 2 Samuel 22:33(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Why do you doubt the Lord’s faithfulness?
He supplies you your strength, he is your fortress
Why don’t you have enough faith, he saved you
He gave you his life and made you born again and new.
The Lord is our fortress, he makes our way perfect
He loves us so much, he rescues us and protects
Rely only on him and you will have victory
Depend on yourself and you will die slowly.
Fortress is defined as a fortified place, a stronghold, especially a large and permanent fortification sometimes including a town. A fortress is a large building or complex of buildings used as a military stronghold. In a military sense, a fortress is often called a “fort.” Forts are built in order to secure a nation from infiltration or attack from another nation or enemy. They are walls to defend the country from invasion and capture.
My country of origin was the Philippines and we have forts that was built so that the Spanish conquistador will remain our conqueror, until the British came and took over the fort, and later on the Americans.
The bible tells us that the Lord is our strong fortress. He makes our ways perfect and only in him are we assured of victory over the enemy’s tactics.
Lord, thank you for being my fortress.
How can abiding in the Lord ensure your victory over the world’s corruption?
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