August 1________________________________________
Fear not; you will no longer live in shame. Don’t be afraid; there is no more disgrace for you – Isaiah 54:4(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
When Jesus died on the cross for you
He erased your shame and made you new
Don’t be afraid, there is no more disgrace
Only Jesus Christ can save the human race.
You need not live a disgraced life
He sacrificed so you can live in his light
He treasures you very much, remember that
There is no more need to fear or doubt.
According to Baker’s Evangelical Dictionary, “shame” is a consequence of sin. Feelings of guilt and shame are subjective acknowledgments of an objective spiritual reality. Though related to guilt, shame emphasizes sin’s effect on self-identity. Sinful human beings are traumatized before a holy God, exposed for failure to live up to God’s glorious moral purpose. The first response of Adam and Eve to their sinful condition was to hide from God, and consequently from one another. Living a shame-based life will get you nowhere.
One of the promises of God to Jerusalem is to restore them to their former glory. He will rescue them from their shame and renew them into the new people that God planned for them to have. Just like the Israelites, God also promises those who believe in him that he will cleanse them of their shame and convert beauty from ashes.
Lord, thank you for cleansing me of shame.
Why do you think God doesn’t want you to live in shame?
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