monocliffhike 052

Nov 22
Those who love pleasure become poor; those who love wine and luxury will never be rich.-Proverbs 21:17(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Do you always seek to gratify yourself?
Do you give generously or give others’ help?
Those who love pleasure become poor
Obsessing to get your wants makes you a fool.
Those who love wine and luxury will struggle
It makes it hard for them to go through a hurdle
Poverty results from obsessing and loving pleasures
Aim for riches in heaven instead of worldly treasures.
Philippines was my country of origin which was under the rule of Spain for 300 years. We were westernized by this conquest and we were influenced so much by it. I lived long enough to see the aftermath of being colonized. Filipinos learned colonial mentality. A colonial mentality is the attitude that colonized people feel themselves to be inferior to their colonizers based on the fact of colonization. Colonial mentality is most evident in the preference for Filipino mestizos (primarily those of mixed native Filipino and white ancestry, but also mixed indigenous Filipino and Chinese, and other ethnic groups). As a result of being conquered, we learned to fight to overcome poverty and oppression. We became obsessed for entitlements to alleviate the bondage and poverty.
We are cautioned about the outcome of loving pleasure. Pleasure in itself isn’t bad but obsessing it results in poverty.
Lord, please let me never take my focus out of you.
What happens when we become obsessed with gratifying ourselves?
For more testimonials about God’s word, please go to YouTube and type ILMA’s poem devotional or go to www.ilmaarts.com posts. To receive emails of my poem devotionals, email me at ILMA.ARTS.STUDIO@gmail.com