PEOPLE OF LIGHT Poem Devotional


March 1________________________________________
For once you were full of darkness, but now you have light from the Lord, So live as people of light. For this light within you produces only what is good and right and true.
– Ephesians 5:8-9(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Once, I didn’t know God much and lived in the dark
I was hurt, unloved and didn’t have a good start
I swirled in darkness that kept blinding my sight
Sins were handed down to me, not knowing they were lies.
But Jesus shone his light on me one day when I was so confused
I had nowhere to run because others let me down and refused
Now, I choose to live as one of God’s people who live in the light
I am free from darkness and God’s will finally was fulfilled in my life.
It is sad to see some Christians who still live in darkness when Christ already died for our sins and released us from it. I used to live in so much chaos up to my fifties. I believed in Jesus since I was seven but didn’t really know that I was conflicted inside me. I chose most of the time to live out of God’s will which led to so many consequences that I still suffer right now. The bible tells us that we ought to choose to live in the light and get out of darkness.
Lord, reveal to me all dark areas of my life.
Why should we literally choose to live in the light? How do we do that?
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