PERFECT TIMING Poem Devotional

beatrice at ir's place and hoopwalks 133

March 2________________________________________
When we were utterly helpless. Christ came at just the right time and died for us sinners.
– Romans 5:6(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Do you ever know someone who’s got perfect timing?
Is this person always timely to aide your suffering?
When we were utterly helpless and needing help
He died for us so he can pick us up and give us strength.
Christ chooses the perfect time and place
He showers with blessings all of human race
Are we blocking his perfect timing and his plan?
Are we cooperating with God’s one and only Son?
Timing is crucial in many things in life. The birth of a child, marriage, move to a new home, new job, new community and many more are some of the events or changes that can benefit with perfect timing. Sometimes our drive or obsession to get something or to embrace something new can be so powerful that we lose out on choosing the best time to do so. Another thing that can impede our triumph over some dreams or goals is the fact that our plans do not jive with what God intends for us. Who can better know and see what is good for us but our heavenly father?
Christ had perfect timing. When we were so desperate, helpless and almost hopeless, he died for us so we can be free and live an abundant life.
Lord, I am so grateful for all your perfect timing to bring joy, healing and peace in my life.
How can we miss out on Christ’s perfect timing?

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