PLAIN & CLEAR Poem Devotional

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July 30
My words are plain to anyone with understanding, clear to those with knowledge.
-Proverbs 8:9(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
To those who have wisdom and can hear God’s voice
His words are plain and clear; they rejoice
The Lord grants wisdom to those who hunger for him
He protects them from danger and all kinds of sins.
Only the ones who seek the truth are free
They are able to discern and easily see
Their hearts understand the simple truth
Their love for the Lord makes them choose the good.
There are those who choose not to read the word of God because they don’t want correction or change anything in their lives. They are comfortable in their mess and are not able to hear God’s voice. I know how it is to be without wisdom and guidance from God. I lived many years of my life doing things my way. As a result of my rebellion, I missed out many opportunities to grow. I got sidetracked with many distractions, not realizing that the enemy was stealing my joy, peace and God’s vision for my life. The moment I re-committed to the Lord and became born again, I realized how much I could have done to realize the plans of God in my life. I allowed my selfishness and fear to cloud my mind and heart. God’s words are plain and clear.
Lord, help me to accept your wisdom and not the world’s ways.
Show and tell an instance how God’s words are plain and clear.
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