monocliff 2011 068

June 1 The Power of God’s Word
Live a life filled with love, following the example of Christ. He loved us and offered himself as a sacrifice for us, a pleasing aroma to God.
–Ephesians 5:2 (NLT)

A poem and essay by ILMA
When you live a life full of love
It will give pleasure to the father up above
Jesus loved us and offered himself as a sacrifice
His act of love is a pleasing aroma to God that sufficed
It was this greatest act of surrender that saved us from sin
Redemption was granted when he submitted to God’s will.
Do you know that smell is a very powerful sense? It usually brings us lots of memories. When I went to trauma therapy, my doctor told me that the sense of smell is one of the senses that manifest memories. When I smell peanut butter and grape juice, I recall my grade school days because I usually have them for my snacks in school. It brings me memories of my best friends in grade school.
The bible tells us to walk in love and follow Christ’s example of offering himself as a sacrifice. This act was a pleasing aroma to God. He wants us to emulate Christ who lived in obedience and submission to his father’s will.
Lord, help me to obey and submit to your will.
How can we walk in love and obedience in this very chaotic world?