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May 13                                                                         The Power of God’s Word
When you pray, don’t babble on and on as people of other religions do. They think their prayers are answered merely by repeating their words again and again. –Matthew 6:7(NLT)
A poem by ILMA
Babbling and repeated prayers are futile
They do not involve your heart which is vital
When you pray, be in a secret place
Listen to his voice and hear what he says.
Don’t repeat your words again and again
It is only a waste of time and gets no gain.
Cry or shout for joy when you talk to the Lord
Pour out your heart to bring him laud.
When I was a child, the Our Father was the first prayer I was taught. The process of memorizing something is like storing the words in your heart. Be careful to be mindful when you utter memorized prayer. If you do not take the time to let your heart process the words, it will just be repeated words with no meaning. There were so many formula prayers I learned in the past that were futile.
The bible tells us that we shouldn’t repeat again and again what we say when we pray. God isn’t deaf. In fact, he already knows what we need even before we pray. Praying is like having intimate conversations with God where there’s interaction.
Lord, guard me from futile praying.
Why do we need to use our hearts when we talk to God?