PRIDE DECEIVES Poem Devotional

September 16________________________________________
You have been deceived by your own pride. – Obadiah 1:3(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Whenever you allow pride to control your life
You are going to be deceived and lose insight
Pride is a sin that will bring about many more
It is like cancer; it brings you down to your core.
Give up this deadly disease or you’ll die
Look up the cross so you can see the light
Jesus died so you can be free from wickedness
Pride roots from evil and selfishness.
One of the many generational sins that the Lord has freed me from these past six years was pride. It was prevalent in our family and manifests in many different ways. Ambition was one way it showed in our lives. My father and mother worked hard so they can show others that they are better than them. It was almost like competing with others and the more they become good at what they do, the more my parents would ensure that we can live up to their lifestyle. They set such high standards for their children that destroyed them in terms of relational skills. All of my siblings and I struggled very hard in keeping relationships because we were all set up to reach an unreachable and unrealistic standard. Pride has deceived many people and the more we cling to it, the more we feel empty inside.
Lord, show me how to choose humility instead of my selfish ambitions.
How can pride sneak in your life? What ways can it show?
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