canadablooms 143 (2)January 30________________________________________
There will be joy and songs of thanksgiving, and I will multiply my people, not diminish them; I will honor them, not despise them. Their children will prosper as they did long ago. I will establish them as a nation before me, and I will punish anyone who hurts them.
– Jeremiah 30:19-20(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
To those who believe in the Lord, there will be rejoicing
They will continue to grow their faith and give thanksgiving
The Lord will multiply his people and prosper them in life
Their children will partake of God’s promises and his light.
God will establish believers and ensure their protection
He loves his children and provides for all their provision
Do not fear for the Lord always blesses his people
He will never forsake those who are always faithful.
The Lord has poured out so many blessings on all of his people. He fulfills his promises to all of his followers. One of the many things that he promised was prosperity, honor and protection. Some Christians do not even realize all these blessings because they are so focused on material stuff. They miss out on being grateful for a good job, a good relationship, good health, provision for needs, and many more. They shift their focus on things that they do not have. The bible tells us of God’s promise of prosperity and protection.
Lord, thank you for all your promises and for fulfilling them.
What blessings have you received that you need to thank God for?

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