eugenia falls and chasing clouds 579

July 6 ________________________________________
The children I raised and cared for have rebelled against me. My people don’t recognize my care for them. – Isaiah 1:2,3 (NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Do you ponder on God’s goodness and love for you?
Do you thank him for all things old and new?
When God’s children do not see his blessings
It is a form of ungratefulness and rebelling.
Are you grateful for what he has done?
Do you accept and believe in his Son?
Rebellion is ungratefulness at its best
Give it up and you’ll have joy and be blessed.
Rebellion ran in my family for many generations. It has brought havoc into my life in the past 4 decades. I am thankful that God has freed me from this stronghold. At the time I defied and disobeyed God, I was in a very dark pit. It was shameful what I have done during those moments that I allowed the enemy to run my life. The devil used my traumas to justify my disobedience. I wanted to prove those people who hurt me that I am strong and will not be broken. The painful events was the open door for the enemy to infiltrate my life and hold me captive for half of my life.
The bible described how God felt when his children do not recognize his love and care for them and rebelled against him.
Lord, free us from rebellion.
Why is rebellion a form of ungratefulness?
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