September 21________________________________________
He did rescue us from mortal danger, and He will rescue us again. We have placed our confidence in Him and He will continue to rescue us. – 2 Corinthians 1:10 (NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
If you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ
No need to fear for any danger in your life
He is always there to rescue you anytime
Make sure you run to him at all times.
He can save you from any kind of danger
Be close to Him and don’t be a stranger
He rescues without limits to all his children
He will never abandon you until you reach heaven.
________________________________________When I was about nine years old, there was a big earthquake that shook the Philippines so badly. I remember waking up in the middle of the night being rocked on my bed. I shared a bunk bed with my brother and I was on the top part, so I felt the shaking more than him. Because most people were asleep, massive loss of lives was inevitable. Among the 270 people who died, 268 of them were buried alive in a building that collapsed, the Ruby Tower. Of the 261 injured, 260 were from the Ruby Tower as well, some of whom died later on. The search and rescue operations involved around 6,000 volunteers.
The bible tells us that he rescues without limits those whom he loves and we need not fear.
Lord, thank you for your boundless love that makes you rescue me without limits.
What’s the basis of God’s unlimited rescue?
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