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August 21________________________________________
Hot tempered people must pay the penalty. If you rescue them once, you will have to do it again. –Proverbs 19:19 (NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Do you have someone who never stops asking for help?
They run to you always and never rely on their own selves
When a person continually rescues another
They end up being constantly bothered.
If you continue to enable someone who isn’t responsible
You will be headed for futility and your life will crumble
Do not interrupt the law of responsibility
It is an insult and defiance to God the Almighty.
I was an enabler to my only child for almost 26 years. I came from a culture where families are closely knit and there is not much room for setting boundaries. Children depend on their parents when they are young, but where I come from, even adult children in their twenties or even older, still stay with their parents. I have a brother in his 50’s who still live with my parents. Sometimes the parents even expect their adult children to care for them even if these children have their own families to take care of. It was such a culture of enmeshment where boundaries where never clear and spoken. As a result, we lived very chaotic lives.
The bible clearly warns us not to tamper with the law of responsibility. When we do, we are interrupting God’s plan.
Lord, show me how to give up and let go.
What do you think are the consequences of enabling someone irresponsible?
For more testimonials about God’s word, please go to YouTube and type ILMA’s poem devotional or go to posts. To receive emails of my poem devotionals, email me at