northbayfallvisit2013 002

  1. Aug 4                                                                              The Power of God’s Word
    And Abram believed the Lord and the Lord counted him as righteous because of his faith. –Genesis 15:6 (NLT)
    A poem and essay by ILMA
    Faith means believing even when you don’t see
    It is being hopeful in chaos and being free
    It is continually looking forward to God’s promises
    It is giving up worldliness and pursuing righteousness.
    When Abraham believed, he was granted uprightness
    Because of his faith, he showed others God’s goodness
    It is through his faith that we are all recipients of salvation
    It is through believing in God that we are granted his kingdom.
    How important faith is in a Christian’s life? Faith is the foundation that makes a believer’s life solid. Without it, a believer will be prone to focus on works of the flesh, rather than allowing the spirit of God to work in their lives. Works of the flesh are things that someone pursues to gain the love of God or approval of someone. I used to do a lot of works of the flesh before I became a born again. No wonder my life became tedious and I didn’t have the joy that comes from believing.
    The bible tells us that Abraham became the father of all nations because of his faith. God considered him righteous and granted him to be the father of all his people.
    Lord, grow my faith.
    How can we allow the spirit to work on our faith?