BE OF ONE MIND Poem Devotional

canadablooms 143 (2)

February 13
Live in harmony with each other. Let there be no divisions in the church. Rather, be of one mind, united in thought and purpose. – 1 Corinthians 1:10(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
When you are in a relation
There is no place for division
Be of one mind with believers
Conflicts bring about discord in others.
Live in harmony and patiently pursue peace
Be open and respect others so that you can see
Let there be no divisions in the body of Christ
Agree with one another so you won’t have to fight.
Division is spreading wildly in the church. There are so many religions in the world today. When one person does not agree with the leadership in a congregation, they separate themselves from the church, go to another one or build a new church. The world view relationships as a business partnership. That is why there are so much separations, divorces and annulments in marriages. When one spouse discovers a difference, they run away instead of working it out with their partners.
The bible instructs the church (body of Christ) to be of one mind in order to avoid divisions. Jesus didn’t die for us to have many religions. He wants us all to have a relationship with God. He wants us to seek God in order to be unified with him and other believers.
Lord, let me never stray from you.
Why is “agreement” very important in relationships and the church?
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