September 23________________________________________
We have depended on God’s grace not on our own human wisdom.
– 1 Corinthians 1:12(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Do you do things on your own understanding?
As a believer, God wants your dependence on Him
To live a life for Christ is to depend on God’s grace
It is not doing things on your own strength.
God created all things and we only live by his grace
Without it, there will be chaos among the human race
Rely only on the mercy and faithfulness from Jesus
He loves you so much and considers you very precious.
Many people have lived lives of independence and self-reliance. I know some Christians who are totally blind to God’s grace. The world system has corrupted them in thinking that they can apply some worldly concept in truth. I used to go to a church that didn’t understand the truth of depending on God’s grace. It was a performance based church that propagated showing off good deeds and being complacent with growing in the word of God. Some people even use the church to get their own agenda fulfilled. Sad to say that even some pastors and leaders fall into this trap.
The bible tells us that we need to depend on God’s grace and not on our own understanding. When we do things or make decisions, do we allow God’s grace to flow through it?________________________________________PRAYER
Lord, help me to live under your grace and not on my abilities.
How can a believer be more aware of God’s grace?
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