SIMPLE AND CLEAR Poem Devotional

auries 2012 visit 306

Sept 22                                                                The Power of God’s Word
I didn’t use lofty words and impressive wisdom to tell you God’s secret plan.
-1 Corinthians 2:1(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Do you use simple words to tell others of God’s plan?
Are others focusing on your prowess or on God’s son?
Whenever we try to impress others with lofty words
We are walking on the brink of following the standards of this world.
The Spirit tells us the precise words to use
He never misleads people or makes them confused
It is the enemy that wants people to be perplexed
The devil’s strategy is to make simple things more complex.
I used to be a very complex person. Attention to details and analyzing things gave me so much pleasure until the Lord revealed to me that it was a stronghold in my life. I always wanted to have an answer whenever my mind starts figuring out how something works or how someone thinks. It kept me in the wheel of worry and judgment. It became an impediment for me to enjoy life and to accept others as they were.
The bible tells us that Paul talks about using simple and precise words to tell others of God’s secret plan. He discourages believers to use lofty words and impressive wisdom. God is very clear with his plan, no gray areas.
Lord, thank you for being clear.
Why is precision and clarity important in preaching God’s word?