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April 13
No one has ever seen God. But if we love each other, God lives in us and his love is brought to full expression in us. And God has given us his spirit as proof that we live in him and he in us. – 1 John 4:12-13 (NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Are you mirroring God by the way you live?
Do you put in action what you believe?
No one has ever seen God but we can mirror him
When we walk in love, we will overcome sin.
He sends us his spirit as proof that he is in us
He is the only one who can free, so always trust
Whenever we walk in love, we bring him to others
When we obey his commands, it pleases the Father.
What kind of picture of God are you painting to others by the way you live? It is sad to know that there are Christians who do not reflect the true character of God. When we gave our hearts to Christ, we were given new life. A life that honors and glorifies the Lord.
Sadly, I still see believers who do not obey God’s command. I still know of Christians who cannot forgive others or who still live in condemnation and bound by religion and legalism. The bible says that if we follow God’s truth and character, we will mirror him to others.
Lord, let me be like you.
Why should we seek God and follow his word?
For more testimonials about God’s word, please go to YouTube and type ILMA’s poem devotional or go to www.ilmaarts.com posts. To receive emails of my poem devotionals, email me at ILMA.ARTS.STUDIO@gmail.com