THE HEART’S CONDITION poem devotiional


October 19________________________________________
The Lord doesn’t see things the way you see them. People judge by outward appearance but the Lord looks at the heart. – 1 Samuel 16:7(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
How is the condition of your heart?
Do you long for someone who is apart?
Have you pardoned that person who offended you?
Are you keeping a record of wrongs that make you blue?
The Lord doesn’t care about outward appearances
He is after your own heart and your faithfulness
Make your hearts clean so you can be sure
A place in his kingdom waits on all the pure.
In our bodies, the heart has a very big function in keeping us alive. This is why we are told by our doctors to take care of our hearts by eating the right food, exercising and being worry and anxiety free. In the same manner as the physical heart, our spirits are dependent on the condition of our inner heart. We are commanded to keep our hearts pure for him. When we are corrupted by our desires, our spiritual heart malfunctions.
The Lord doesn’t see superficial things that people normally see. We usually see the externals but God focuses on the condition of our hearts. He knows what we are going through and he knows every intention and action we choose to make. Does your heart long for God like King David did?
Lord, cleanse me from sin and temptations around me.
What does your heart long for? Does it yearn for God?
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