UZZIAH’S REIGN Poem Devotional

May 11
A poem by ILMA
All of Judah crowned Uzziah as king in place of his father
He was sixteen when he became king and reigned 52 years
After his father Amaziah’s death, he restored the town of Elath
He did what was pleasing to the Lord and his mother was Jecoliah.
Uzziah sought God during the days of Zechariah
The prophet taught him how to fear God
As long as the king sought the Lord’s guidance
King Uzziah was promised success and victory.
Uzziah declared war on the Phillistines
He broke down walls of Gath, Jabneh and Ashdod
Then he built new towns in Ashdod and in parts of Philistia
God helped him in his wars against Phillistia and the Meunites.
Uzziah built fortified towns and constructed forts in the wilderness
He dug many water cisterns for he kept great herds of livestock
He was also a man who loved the soil and had many farms and vineyards
He also had an army of well-trained warriors ready to get into battle.
He did what was pleasing in the Lord’s sight just as his father Amaziah had done. – 2 Chronicles 26:4
Read: 2 Chronicles 26
We see what the rewards of doing what was pleasing in the Lord in this story of Uzziah. He was able to have victory and did many things for the people of Israel. He was successful in his fortifying towns and taking care of his land and vineyard and livestock.
• Why is it important to fear the Lord?
• What were the blessings that Uzziah received for doing what was pleasing to the Lord?