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Sept 17                                                                        The Power of God’s Word
If I must boast, I would rather boast about the things that show how weak I am.
-2 Corinthians 11:30(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Do you take pride in your wealth, possessions and achievements?
Do you brag about your work or do you give others compliments?
Boasting in the world’s standard is to exhibit your own work and effort
Boasting in God’s economy is acknowledging your weakness and seeking support.
If you must boast, think of your handicaps and limitations
God works best when you admit your imperfections
When you humbly accept your need for God
You are glorifying him and giving him laud.
We live in a world where competition is very tight. Each person almost always wants to seek recognition for anything he or she accomplishes. I used to be part of this worldly view of boasting. Being an actress onstage made me hungry for applaud from audiences. Sadly, I also clamored for recognition for all the things I did. Maybe it stemmed from growing up with expectations from my parents way too high. I needed to perform very hard to be approved and be given love. God freed me from seeking approval.
The bible tells us that if we must boast, we should boast about our weaknesses. It is in our weakness that he works best.
Lord, show me to accept my weaknesses.
How comfortable are you revealing your weaknesses to others?