xmas tree hunt 2010 010
July26 The Power of God’s Word
We cannot oppose the truth, but must always stand for the truth.
–2 Corinthians 13:8 (NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Whenever God reveals you his truth
Cling to it so you will have roots
You are given revelations to walk in love
You cannot oppose the truth of God up above.
Always stand for the truth and never oppose it
It brings you peace instead of confusion and conflict
The truth sets you free and keeps you protected
It reveals what you need to learn in order to be purified.
Many years of my life was wasted because I didn’t know thoroughly the truth that could have set me free. Generational sins kept me blinded from the many promises of God to those who are faithful and obedient. I finally succumbed to his authority and obeyed his commands after many years of rebellion and arrogance. The in depth study of his word brought light in my very dark life. The bondages that held me captive for many years started to surface and I became aware of all the many lies perpetuated by the enemy to keep me lost and defeated.
The bible says that the truth sets us free. The choice is still ours to make whether we are going to accept the truth and stand by it.
Lord, give me an open heart to accept your truth.
What will studying God’s word bring us?

xmas tree hunt 2010 010

July 26                                              The Power of God’s Word
We cannot oppose the truth, but must always stand for the truth.
–2 Corinthians 13:8 (NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Whenever God reveals you his truth
Cling to it so you will have roots
You are given revelations to walk in love
You cannot oppose the truth of God up above.
Always stand for the truth and never oppose it
It brings you peace instead of confusion and conflict
The truth sets you free and keeps you protected
It reveals what you need to learn in order to be purified.
Many years of my life was wasted because I didn’t know thoroughly the truth that could have set me free. Generational sins kept me blinded from the many promises of God to those who are faithful and obedient. I finally succumbed to his authority and obeyed his commands after many years of rebellion and arrogance. The in depth study of his word brought light in my very dark life. The bondages that held me captive for many years started to surface and I became aware of all the many lies perpetuated by the enemy to keep me lost and defeated.
The bible says that the truth sets us free. The choice is still ours to make whether we are going to accept the truth and stand by it.
Lord, give me an open heart to accept your truth.
What will studying God’s word bring us?