stormy clouds 2012 073

Aug 30                                                        The Power of God’s Word
These rules may seem wise because they require strong devotion, pious self-denial and severe bodily discipline. But they provide no help in conquering a person’s evil desires. – Colossians 2:23(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Do you strictly adhere to do certain things in particular ways?
Do you follow traditions and do what other people say?
Do you enjoy your life when you are always bound by rules?
They are futile and are only followed by many fools.
The only rule that matters is the one that asks you to love
With it, there is no limit; it focuses on what is above
The cross of Christ and his blood made rules worthless
Love is the only thing that’s necessary and is priceless.
Human rules and traditions are made by people not by God. The only commandment that God wants us to follow is “Love God above all and love your neighbor as yourself. He summed up all the 10 commandments and all the other Jewish law into this law of love. If you will take a close look at this summed up law, you will notice that it includes all the other 10 commandments if you follow it. Some human rules may seem pious because it requires strong devotions to do them, but they don’t let you conquer evil desires.
Lord, help me to give up legalism and embrace love.
How can rules impede your righteousness with God?