rbg 032

April 12________________________________________
For we are all responsible for our own conduct. -Galatians 6:5(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
The Lord created humans and gave him full authority
What do you do to exercise your own accountability?
Do you apply the laws of boundaries in your life?
Do you take ownership for mistakes or do you fight?
We are all responsible for our own demeanor
Do we admit whenever we chose wrong behavior?
Accountability is the first step to grow spiritually
It is a rousing from the Spirit that gives us humility.
When I was a teacher, I took delight in those students who were very responsible, diligent and persistent. I remembered a few of those girls during my fifteen-year tenure as a Speech and Visual Arts teacher. These students gave me inspiration to grow personally and professionally. They taught me to persist despite the others who were always blaming someone or something with their shortcomings. I witnessed how God blessed and showered them with many favors.
I grew up surrounded by blamers and it was very easy for me to take on what I learned from authorities around me. It made it very difficult to deal with people who whines and blames. They spin you around as well.
The bible tells us that we are all responsible for our own conduct. We need to exercise humility when we make mistakes and confess it and be accountable for it.
Lord, caution me when I tend to blame.
How can we be more responsible for our own choices and actions?
For more testimonials about God’s word, please go to YouTube and type ILMA’s poem devotional or go to posts. To receive emails of my poem devotionals, email me at


port elgin camping 2012 224

February 8
For we are each responsible for our own conduct.–Galatians 6:5(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
What different roles are you responsible for?
Are you being accountable for them all?
Even if someone isn’t looking on your shoulders
You ought to be in charge as you grow older.
For we are each answerable for our own conduct
We have to watch how our actions create an impact
We must take responsibility for our choices and decisions
It affects everyone and creates a chain reaction.
Being accountable for our own conduct and actions is a manifestation of a mature person. There are so many immature and irresponsible people in this planet. Not taking responsibility for one’s demeanor and actions are signs of a spirit in bondage. There are many forms of slavery involved when people do not take responsibility for what they do and how they behave. It may be a spirit of pride, anger, abuse, trauma, dishonesty, entitlement, stubbornness, defiance, disobedience and the list goes on. For as long as the person does not acknowledge the sin involved in their actions, they go through the blame game all their lives.
The bible says that we are each responsible for our own conduct. We can’t point fingers at anybody. We need to take accountability for our actions and demeanor.
Lord, show me responsibility.
Why do we need be accountable for our own actions and behavior? What happens if we don’t?
For more testimonials about God’s word, please go to YouTube and type ILMA’s Poem Devotionals, or go to or to receive emails of the poem devotionals, email me at