June 17
A poem by ILMA
Peter was woken up in the prison cell where he was surrounded by guards
An angel of the Lord instructed him to get up and the chains fell off his wrists
He was led to put on his coat and pass the first and second guard posts
He arrived the iron gate to the city and was opened for them all by itself.
Peter thought it was all a vision but later came to his senses
As soon as he realized it, he went to the home of Mary, mother of John Mark
Many were gathered in Mary’s house for prayer when he knocked on the door
Rhoda, the servant girl came to open it and was overjoyed when he saw Peter.
The servant girl instead of opening the door, ran back and told everyone
She announced Peter was standing by the door, but at first, they didn’t believe
Peter continued knocking, and when they saw him, they were amazed
He told them to quiet down and narrated how the Lord led him out of prison.
After he said the miracle to them, he went to another place
AD dawn, there was a great commotion among the soldiers
Herod Agrippa ordered a thorough search and when he failed
The guards were interrogated and sentenced to death.
When she recognized Peter’s voice, she was overjoyed that, instead of opening the door, she ran back inside and told everyone, “Peter is standing at the door.”– Acts 12:14
Read: Acts 12
What an astonishing thing the Lord did to get Peter out of prison. Despite the heavily guarded condition he was in, God showed his power by letting Peter be free without any resistance at all. What an awesome God we have who can do anything to bring people into witnessing his power and glory.
• What miracles in your life have Jesus set you free from just like Peter?
• Why can it be sometimes hard to admit a miracle when you see one?