April 1________________________________________
O Lord, you know every heart. – Acts 1:24(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
O Lord, you know everyone’s heart
Will you search mine and set it apart?
Let me only have righteous intentions
Convict me so I won’t give in to temptations.
Grant me a hunger to always seek your truth
Change my mind and heart so I can be renewed
Don’t allow me to be corrupted by this world
Let me always be guided by your holy word.
How often would you let someone see you inside and out, without masks? Many people are afraid to get closer to others because they are scared that they will be exposed and others will see their weaknesses, faults and flaws. I am thankful that I am not afraid to be seen by others regardless of how much I fall short of God’s glory. The bible tells us that God allows us to experience these “thorns in the flesh” because he is honing us and refining us to be strong we can do what he has planned for us.
King David was known for a person who was after God’s heart. He was obsessed with getting closer to the Lord and he constantly leaned on him for everything. Despite his frailties and sins, the Lord chose him to be the root where the lineage of Jesus originated. Ask God to search your heart.
Lord, let me never be afraid to be convicted by your Spirit if I have done wrong.
How can we strengthen our desire to have our hearts changed righteously?
For more testimonials about God’s word, please go to YouTube and type ILMA’s poem devotional or go to posts. To receive emails of my poem devotionals, email me at