July 2
A poem by ILMA
Some believers from Caesarea packed their things and left for Jerusalem
They went to the home of Mnason, who is from Cyprus and one of the early believers
When they arrived, the brothers and sisters welcomed them warmly
The next day, Paul met with James and all the church elders were present.
After greeting them, Paul gave a detailed account of what they’ve accomplished
He reminded them that God’s Spirit was constantly with them as they preached
The leaders confronted Paul telling him that in Jerusalem they heard his teaching
That Paul was making the Jewish custom of circumcision removed from their practice.
They instructed Paul to go with four men who have completed their vow
They should ritually shave their heads and go through purification
Paul went to the Temple the next day with the four men
He announced publicly the date when their vows would end.
The seven days were almost ended when some Jews from Asia roused a mob
They grabbed Paul and started yelling “This is the man who preaches against the law.”
The whole city was rocked by these accusations and a great riot followed.
The Roman regiment came to stop the uproar and the crowds beating on Paul.
The whole city was rocked by these accusations and a great riot followed. Paul was grabbed and dragged out of the Temple and immediately the gates were closed behind him. – Acts 21:30
Read: Acts 21:15-32
This story of Paul arriving at Jerusalem and being questioned by the elders about him dissolving the law concerning circumcision almost reminds me of Jesus’ trial. They were both publicly questioned and because of people’s bondage to the law, they wanted to kill Paul, just like they did with Jesus as well.
• Why do people get into legalism? Why do you think Paul was persecuted like Jesus?