May 15________________________________________
Save yourselves from this crooked generation! – Acts 2:40(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
We live in a crooked world these days
Do we even follow what the bible says?
Save yourselves from this crooked generation
It is time for you to think of your salvation.
The Lord gave us a map to navigate the corruption
He wants us to strengthen our faith to resist temptations
He warns us to guard our hearts at all times
He commands us to pray for every believer.
According to the Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Science, learned helplessness refers to the maladaptive passivity shown by animals and people following experience with uncontrollable events. The individual learns in one situation that responses and outcomes are independent, represents this learning as an expectation of helplessness, and then generalizes this expectation to other situations in which outcomes objectively can be controlled to produce passivity. An important influence on the degree of helplessness shown by people is how they explain the causes of the original uncontrollable events. Individuals who tend to explain such events with internal (‘it’s me’), stable (‘it’s going to last forever’), and global (‘it’s going to undermine everything’) are said to have a helpless or pessimistic explanatory style.
2 Timothy 1:7 says God did not give us a spirit of timidity or fear, but of power, love and self-discipline. We can save ourselves from this crooked generation by living this promise.
Lord, thank you that we can overcome fear by your power.
How can we literally save ourselves from this crooked generation?
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