May 20
A poem by ILMA
On the day of Pentecost, all believers were together in one place
Suddenly, there was a sound that is like a mighty windstorm
It filled everyone who was in the house; right where’ they’re all sitting
Then what looked like flames of tongues of fire settled on each of them.
Everyone present was filled with the Holy Spirit and began speaking
Each of them was given the ability to speak in other languages
The Jews were bewildered to hear many languages spoken
All were from Galilee, yet they spoke another language not native to them.
They were bewildered to hear these Galileans to speak in another language
Each of them, spoke of Jesus’ teachings and the wonderful things God has done
They stood there amazed and perplexed and ask each other what it meant
But the others in the crowd ridiculed them and accused them of being drunk.
Peter stepped forward with the eleven other apostles and shouted to the crowd
“Listen carefully all of you, these people are not drunk as some of you assumed.”
He reminded them of the prophet Joel’s prophecy that God will pour his Spirit
All believers will prophesy, have visions and dreams and the Spirit will be poured out.
And everyone present was filled with the Holy Spirit and began speaking in other languages as the Holy Spirit gave them this ability. – Acts 2:4
Read: Acts 2
The coming of the Holy Spirit was a fulfilled promise of Jesus. He said that when he dies on the cross, they will be filled with his Spirit. The Spirit of the Lord will affect other people’s lives.
• What did the coming of the Holy Spirit did to us as new born again babies.
• What is the significance of the coming of the Holy Spirit into our hearts?
• What are the ways we can grieve the Holy Spirit?