THE GOD WHO SEES Poem Devotional

November 3________________________________________
“You are the God who sees me.” – Genesis 16:13(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Has anyone really seen your entire being?
There is no one else but the Lord Almighty
He sees your every move, your every thought
He wants you to grow and always live in truth.
Humans can’t understand His omniscience
He also is the only one who can always be present
The heavenly Father loves you very much
Do you give back his unconditional love?
According to Wikipedia, the first formal charter to set out the rights of children was drafted by British social reformer, Eglantyne Jebb in 1923. Jebb believed that the rights of a child needed be especially protected and enforced. This manifesto was adopted by the International Save the Children Union and endorsed by the League of Nations in 1924. In 1925, the first International Child Welfare Congress was held in Geneva, where the Declaration was widely discussed and supported by organisations and governments. I Jebb is God-sent so people can understand why children are very special to God.
As a child, I didn’t think I had a voice or rights. I felt non-existent and neglected in terms of my spiritual growth. No one cared about who I am. They didn’t see my gifts or my person because they were busy making me the person that they never became and dreamed of becoming. Only God knows and sees me.
Thank you for seeing who I really am my Lord.
How do you respond to the truth that only God sees you?
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