ALL WILL DIE Poem Devotional

July 3
No one can live forever. All will die. No one can escape the power of the grave.
-Psalm 89:48(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
There is a time for everything
A time to be born and to die
No one can live forever
No one can escape.
All of us is going to die
But if you believe Christ
You will live and rise again
Just as he overcame the grave.
There are some people who do not like to think about dying or even discuss it. Even as a young child, I never had a problem dealing with deaths and I am always the bravest to look at the coffins when some family members died. I didn’t see death as a scary thing. always thought that it was just a part of life and that those who die are going somewhere much better. I was never afraid of dying and this was what made me live life to the fullest always.
The bible tells us that no one can live forever and everyone will die. No one can escape the power of the grave. The bible also says in John 11:25-26 that if you believe in Jesus, you will live even when you die and everyone who lives and believes in him, will never die. These verses talk about the promise of eternal life which goes beyond physical death.
Lord, help us to look at death as a part of life.
Why do you think many people fear death?
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