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April 19________________________________________
You make plans that are contrary to mine. You make alliances not directed by my Spirit, thus piling up your sins. -Isaiah 30:1(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Do you know what God has planned for your life?
Are your plans contrary to his or do you live in his light?
If you totally agree with the Lord, there is much anointing
If you make alliances not directed by him, you’ll lose his blessings.
Agreeing with the Lord in everything you do will bring you success
If you defy his plans, you will not make any progress
Be sure to consult and make your plans according to his will
It will definitely bring you closer to him and farther from sin.
I once lived with someone who was a high conflict person. He always contradicts anyone automatically, almost like a reflex. After a while, I couldn’t understand why I was always drained. He sucks the energy out of me. The more I respond, the bigger his reaction. When I realized that he will not stop, I learned to disengage and just be quiet. I started agreeing with him even though I don’t think he is right. The conflicts stopped and I had peace.
Agreeing with someone close to you is very important in a relationship. Discord and arguments destroy relationships and people. Living out of God’s plan is rebellion and leads to sin.
Lord, help me to live in your will always.
What happens when you contradict God’s plans for you?
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