May 9
A poem by ILMA
A certain couple named Ananias and Sapphira sold some property
The man brought part of the money but not all of it to the apostles
With his wife’s consent, he kept the rest and Peter reproved him
Peter asked Ananias why he allowed Satan to fill his heart.
Ananias lied to the Holy Spirit and kept some money for himself
Since the property was his to sell and the money to give away
He didn’t have to lie but when he did, he was lying to God as well
As soon as Ananias heard Peter’s rebuke, he fell on the floor and died.
Everyone who witnessed this was terrified, they carried Ananias and buried him
Three hours later, Sapphira, not knowing what happened, came in
Peter asked her how much they received for the property they sold
And she replied with the same lie that Ananias, her husband gave.
Peter said “How could the two of you test the Spirit of the Lord?”
He said that her husband just died after lying about their gain
Instantly, she fell on the floor as well, like Ananias and died
Great fear gripped all those who heard what have happened.
He brought part of the money to the apostles, claiming it was the full amount. With his wife’s consent, he kept the rest. – Acts 5:2
Read: Acts 5
A lot of people take lightly the sin of lying. We do not realize how grieved the Holy Spirit is when we lie. It is an insult to God’s all-knowing and all-seeing characteristics. Most people think it is alright to lie. The world even uses euphemisms calling them “white lies.”
A lie is a lie and it is a sin that grieves the Holy Spirit.
• Why do you think “death” was the punishment for the lies that Ananias and Sapphira purposefully planned to tell Peter?