rbg 182 (2)

September 3
Anything is possible if a person believes. -Mark 9:23NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
If you believe that you are a true child of God
Anything is possible to those who bring him laud
If you ask the Lord Jesus in his mighty name
You will get answers and receive his grace.
If you have faith even just like a mustard seed
Even the most hardened heart will give in and you’ll win
To those who are doubtful, hopeless and have no faith
They will never move mountains or change their fate.
Faith is easy to find to those who live in third world countries. They have no one else to run to but the Lord. They learn to live day by day and watch how God provides. It is amazing to find those living in poverty can even smile in the midst of such suffering. Their faces light up when even very little comfort is added in their usual difficult lives. They are so grateful. Those who live in first world countries and have everything they need sometimes find it hard to be appreciative of little blessings they receive.
The bible says that anything is possible to those who believe. This is why Abraham became the father of all nations. At the age of almost 100, they bore a child as God promised. Because of his faith, he became father of all nations.
Lord, help me to increase my faith daily.
How much faith do you have? How has God grown your belief?
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