God’s Approval poem devotional

July 8
And may the Lord our God show us his approval and make our efforts successful. Yes, make our efforts successful! -Psalm 90:17(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Do you consult God when you make decisions?
He knows everything and he has all the solution
Run to the Lord for approval so you can thrive
Rely on him so you will have wisdom in your life.
God shows his approval by making our efforts successful
He will take care of all believers who stay faithful
Make sure that He comes first in all that you do
Feed on his word which only brings the truth.
There are many people who seek someone’s approval. Most of the time it is the wrong person they seek consent from. I grew up with a lack of affirmation from those who raised me. I became hungry for approval from others. It brought much trials and suffering in my life. I got trapped from being accepted by those people I work for or I am in relationship with. No wonder, I became so unhappy and devalued. I was seeking approval from the wrong persons.
The bible tells us in 1 Thessalonians 2:4 that our purpose is to please God, not people. Galatians 1:10 tells us that if we are trying to please men, then we are not servants of Christ. We are blessed with success once we seek God’s approval.
Lord, help me to be concerned with pleasing you only.
How is seeking other’s approval an easy trap to get yourself enslaved from?
For more testimonials about God’s word, please go to YouTube and type ILMA’s poem devotional or go to www.ilmaarts.com posts. To receive emails of my poem devotionals, email me at ILMA.ARTS.STUDIO@gmail.com