AS HUMBLE AS A CHILD Poem Devotional

December 10________________________________________
Anyone who becomes as humble as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:4(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Those who want to be the greatest in heaven
They will have to be as humble as children
If we want to enter God’s kingdom
Let us stay pure and live in freedom.
If you become as meek as these innocent beings
You will have a special place in heaven
Seek the Lord and you will stay innocent and pure
You will be lost if you depart from the truth.
Do you ever wonder why children are special in God’s eyes? Let’s look at the traits of a child. Under normal circumstances, they are innocent, pure, vulnerable and trust easily. These are only some of the reasons why we protect children. They are excited, curious, creative and open. No wonder children have a special place in God’s heart. They are uncorrupted and the purest of all human beings. God made man in his image but man defied God and defiled themselves. After man’s fall, our make was altered and tarnished. Our desires became corrupted by wanting to know and be like God. We became focused on ourselves. Children, have preserved their original form as God wanted humans to be. Humility is one of the traits that children possess that God treasures most. No wonder he requires us to be as humble as these little wonderful beings in order to enter his kingdom.
Lord, make me more like a child.
How can one be more childlike?
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