BE A GOOD WORKER Poem Devotional


December 8
Work hard so you can present yourself to God and receive his approval. Be a good worker, one who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly explains the word of truth. -2 Timothy 2:15(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Do you do your best in everything you do?
Work hard to be righteous and seek what is true
Present yourself to God so you can be approved by him
Don’t be tempted to be slack, be diligent so you can win.
A good worker consults with God’s truth always
He seeks God first in all things and obey his ways
He is bold to declare his love for the Lord
He is not easily swayed by this corrupt world.
In this day and age, it is a novelty to find a good worker. Those who work in the offices sometimes come to work late and leave early. Some do not give their best in performing their duties and responsibilities. Some are not totally honest. When the boss isn’t around, they would do their personal stuff in the computers or talk on the phone or with their co-workers during work hours.
We are asked to work hard in such a way that we can be approved by God. Work as if God is your employer. Work with integrity and live by the truth in God’s word.
Lord, help us to remember to do things for you always even if we work for others.
Why is integrity and honesty in the workplace a rarity in our world today?
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