July 21________________________________________
Starting a quarrel is like opening a floodgate; so stop before a dispute breaks out.
– Proverbs 17:14(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Whenever a conflict is brewing
Be aware of it before engaging
Starting a fight is opening a floodgate
Involving yourself in it is an actual bait.
Just like poison that travels rapidly
Stop it at its core immediately
Seek and pursue peace at all cost
It will break a dispute before it grows.
I used to love to debate and prove my point until the Lord convicted me of this futile and harmful act. Because I was deprived of being heard as a child, I learned to survive by fighting back and proving my point. It filled the void of being rejected and disrespected. When I became a born again Christian, I had to let it go because the bible says that we are to pursue peace at all cost.
The book of Proverbs warns us of engaging in conflicts. If we start a fight, we are actually opening the floodgate to hell. The antidote to fights would be choosing love and peace. When we choose to love, we are shutting the door to Satan to fill us with all kinds of lies and evil acts. Before the poison kills us, we need to stop it where it entered our body. Stop a dispute before it breaks out.
Lord, help me to never engage in any form of conflict.
How do you deal with people who love to argue or start fights?
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