RELY ON THE CROSS Poem Devotional

eugenia falls and chasing clouds 579

November 23                                                                       The Power of God’s Word

We who worship by the Spirit of God are the ones who are truly circumcised. We rely on what Christ Jesus has done for us. We put no confidence in human effort. – Philippians 3:3 (NLT)           


A poem and essay by ILMA

What are you going through in your life today?

Are you focusing on what God has to say?

Those who worship by the Holy Spirit

They will be guided and their lives will be lit.

Rely on what Christ Jesus has done for you

He sacrificed your life so you can be renewed

Seek God and put no confidence in human effort

Soak in the blood of Jesus; He alone can get you through.

What troubles you today? Is it an unsaved family member, finances, an illness, conflicts? I have gone through a lot of abuse, rejection and abandonment in my life and for many years it had controlled my decisions and reactions.  I thank God that he has saved me from focusing on my “fixing” things in my life.

The bible tells us that those who worship by the Spirit of God are truly circumcised. They rely only on the cross and the blood of Jesus to save them and they don’t trust any human effort because the sacrifice of Christ has already been done to cleanse us all from sin.


Lord, help me to soak in your blood daily.


What has the cross done in your life?

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