Fresh Bubbling Spring poem devotional

quebec canyon and alton ir 133

October 24________________________________________
Anyone who drinks this water will become thirsty again. But those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life. – John 4:13-14 (NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Water refreshes our bodies and souls
It cleanses us and later makes us whole
If you drink from the water that Jesus offer
You will be refreshed and endure to suffer.
It is a fresh bubbling spring deep within
It renews us and restores us from sin
Christ’s spring grants eternal life
It washes away all darkness and strife.
Water is essential in our lives. Without it, we will die and stay dirty. I remember back in my country of origin, when I lived in a studio and my landlady was so controlling, that she will just turn off the main power for water supply according to her whims. I would go crazy because I cannot wash clothes, dishes, or even take a shower or drink. It was a deprivation of my right to be clean and quench my thirst. I felt so dirty and thirsty
The bible tells us that anyone who drinks from the water that comes from Christ, will never be thirsty again. They will have eternal life. It is a fresh bubbling spring that brings them eternal life. It refreshes their whole being and quenches their thirst.
Lord, thank you for your living water.
How has the fresh bubbling spring of Christ restored your life?
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