CHILDREN OF GOD Poem Devotional

January 30
For all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God– Romans 8:14(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
How do you know if someone is a child of God?
It is someone spiritual and focus on things above
This person does what the word says and live it
For the Spirit of God speaks to them and they hear it.
The children of God know that they must stay pure
This is why it is hard for the devil to steal and lure
They believe in the power that lives in them and obey
They don’t compromise their integrity and they don’t lie.
There are people who profess their faith and commit to a life with Christ. How do you know if a believer is authentic? There are counterfeit believers who use their claim that they are believers so they can deceive others. The bible warns us of those who are not doers of the word and just hearers in the book of James. We can know the tree by it’s fruit. An apple tree will not bear a banana nor a banana tree will not produce apples. We need to see the proof of faith. If their life does not contradict God’s word or go against his commands, we can be sure that they are children of God. They are led by God’s Spirit and they listen to his .
Lord, I pray for all your children to stay in the only way to life which is in Jesus.
How can you stay authentic in your belief?
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