RIOT IN EPHESUS Poem Devotional

June 28
A poem by ILMA
When the story of Paul’s miracles and casting out demons spread in Ephesus
A solemn fear descended on the city and Jesus’ name was greatly honored
Many who became believers confessed their sinful practices
A number of them who was doing sorcery burned their books in public.
Afterward Paul felt compelled by the Spirit to go over to Macedonia and Achaia
Then he decided to go to Rome and sent Timothy and Erastus to Macedonia
About that time serious trouble developed in Ephesus concerning the Way
It began with Demetrius the silversmith who made shrines of goddess Artemis.
Demetrius kept many craftsmen busy and he called them together
He told them that wealth comes from this business of doing shrines
He told many that Paul convinced people that their handmade gods are fake
He also convinced that the goddess Artemis will be robbed of her prestige.
The Ephesians were angered and started to declare how great Artemis is
Everyone rushed to the amphitheatre and dragged Paul’s companions
Paul wanted to go in too but the believers warned him how dangerous it is
Some friends of Paul sent him a message begging him not to risk his life.
Paul wanted to go in too, but the believers wouldn’t let him. – Acts 19:30
Read: Acts 19
When Paul reached Ephesus, the Holy Spirit was with him so he was able to do a lot of miracles. Because Ephesus was a city of idols and the Ephesians worship Artemis as their goddess, there were shrines everywhere in the city. Paul preaching about the Good News have stirred so much opposition in the people of Ephesus and threatened to kill Paul and his followers. Paul wasn’t scared of anything but the other believers warned him.
• Has God given you courage amidst opposition and antagonism to preach the Good News?