February 27
8 See to it that there is no one who takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception in accordance with human tradition, in accordance with the elementary principles of the world, rather than in accordance with Christ. – Colossians 2:8
In this passage, Paul addresses the issue of the heresies that the Colossians were surrounded with during the time Paul was writing this letter. Like a protective father, he was doing his best to guard his flock, those believers that were assigned to him by God Himself.
While Paul had probably passed through Colossae on his second missionary journey, he didn’t found the church at Colossae — directly. Rather, it was founded by Epaphras, whom Paul mentions in this letter. So, it may have been Epaphras who reported to Paul what was threatening the church in Colossae: heresies and deception. Dr. Ralph Wilson states in his introduction to the Colossians that the heresy have the following elements: a belief system that was hollow and deceptive, based on human traditions not godly ones, elemental spiritual forces underlying the system, not a Christ-centered teaching, ascetic disciplines are encouraged, Jewish food restrictions followed, angel worship, visionary experiences are flaunted, proud false teachers, rule-keeping, Christ is being maligned, Gnosticism and Stoicism are practiced. David Guzik comments that the Colossian heresy promoted itself as traditional. It could trace some or many of its ideas back to traditions among the Jews or the Greek philosophers or both. Paul here warned that the tradition of men has no equal authority to the word of God.
The letter of Paul emphasizes the importance of the Gentile believers in Colossae to be watchful of these heresies that they are being attacked with. He wants them to focus their eyes on the teaching of Christ so that they will not be easy prey for these heretics.
It is interesting to hear from Paul his concerns with the Colossian church. Aren’t our current churches being faced with the same heresies from the world system and other philosophies, cultural and political traditions that are not Christ-centered and are mostly false and deceptive? So many believers have been led astray by these people who claim that they are teaching the gospel of Christ, when they are actually just using the name of Jesus to propagate their heresies and create much chaos and corruption in our world? Many spiritual leaders themselves are the ones instigating all these heresies.
• What can a true believer do in order to bring back to light those who are misled?


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Sept 3                                                                             The Power of God’s Word
Don’t let anyone capture you with empty philosophies and high sounding nonsense that come from human thinking and from the spiritual powers of the world rather than from Christ. – Colossians 2:8(NLT)
A poem and essay by ILMA
Are you dazzled by someone else’s intelligence?
Do you easily get swayed by high sounding nonsense?
Don’t let anyone capture you with empty philosophies
They come from human thinking, viewpoints and beliefs.
Rely only on the truth that will set you free
God’s word is the only way that you will see
There is nothing else that works and gives life
Only the one that God provides can bring us light.
I used to be amazed by people’s intelligence and verbosity. I found it fascinating to hear what they have to say about a topic especially about life. I attended symposia, forums and discussions about different philosophies from noted scholars and philosophers when I was in college. I became exposed to Ancient, Asian, Greek and Western viewpoints about life, death and relationships. They gave answers to the many questions that had been left unanswered by my family since I was a child. By the time I was an adult, I was a mishmash being. The bible warns us to believe only God’s truth and not what comes from human thinking and the spiritual powers of the world.
Lord, lead me always to your truth.
Why is it important to focus on God?